A pictorial account of our set construction
During the cold, damp winter months, we spent our days building interior sets in the pole building. (December, 2019)
By the end of December, the first floor was roughly finished and the Golden Barrel Inn, mayor's office, and CDF hideout on the second floor were framed and sheeted. (Below: CDF hideout to the left side of the stairs on the second story, mayor's office to the right)
We saved a back corner for a workout room. :)
Pictured below: The CDF hideout and Golden Barrel Inn shared the north side of our second story - the hideout is on the left. This arrangement gave us more room for wide shots; when we were shooting the scenes in the Golden Barrel Inn, we set up the camera in the hideout, and vice versa.
The Golden Barrel Inn
Below: Installing flooring...Tate is standing at approximately the dividing line between the hideout and the Golden Barrel Inn. (January 16, 2020)
The boys worked at making the Golden Barrel Inn look weathered and rough.
The CDF hideout - 47 and 49's "room"
Mayor's office - January 28, 2020
Below: The window on the far left looks into the Golden Barrel Inn.
Progress made -- end of January, 2020
Please add more – we love these updates!
Shelby Johnson
It’s so cool how you guys made your sets yourselves; especially the water canals. They look so professional! You guys are amazing!
Amelia Polder
So so cool! You would never have thought that was all done in a building. Looks so real and like its a true town outside. The rooms and all beautifully done. Love the workout room too. We need one of those.
Rebekah Polder
I loved seeing all of these photos and how all of the rooms/places were laid out. You guys did such an awesome job making everything look old, weathered, and established!